Friday, June 15, 2007

This will help you to decide on what is necessary luck or efforts

Imagine that you are driving a car, and there is huge jam on the way.

You want to reach your home as soon as you can. If you have some good experience to drive in the Jam then that will definitely going to help you. You will try to find some short cut or will try to find some gap, and will lead your vehicle on that way. Here your past experience helps you to decide that at which instant you need to go for short cut or when you should lead towards gaps. Now let us assume that you have enough experience to drive in these jams, but…. The big Question…… Person driving just ahead of you is a cool person Mr. Cool, Mr. Cool has no hurry to reach his home, he is driving slowly, and as Mr. Cool is a new driver, many times he stuck with his gear box, he forgot at which gear he was, and as a result his vehicle gets halted many times. You are just behind Mr. Cool and give him horn and screaming Ohhhhhh Man!!!!!! Please give me some passage so that I can go ahead. So here even though you are experienced enough to drive on rash, but you have to stick with Mr. Cool.

Now its time to go to other face of coin, Lets change the character.
Zupppppppp Abra ka dabra…. Ab mudde pe aate hai

You are doing your work well in this tough world, and you are trying to reach your destination as soon as you can, you are doing all efforts as you can. Your experience helps you to do the work smartly and to reach towards your destination. But many times even if you are doing your work properly you are not getting the proper result, here come the Mr. Cool in the picture, Mr. Cool is Your Luck, even if you are doing your work properly, you are experienced enough, working very hard, but still you are not getting the proper result. Why because of LUCK where you have no control, similar to the situation when you were driving well to reach your home but because of Mr. Cool upon which you do not have any control.
Now think what you will do now to reach to your home while driving, you will definitely try to find some way so that you can go ahead without any further Mr. Cool, but you can not force Mr. Cool to get out of your way. You have to work and think hard to overcome Mr. Cool.

It is not necessary that everyday we are finding Mr. Cool, but some times we have to go according to Mr. Cool. Similarly many times we are getting our goals without any obstacles but some time because of luck we are not able to achieve our goals, but this does not mean that we need to should give up our efforts, in fact in those cases we need to do some more extra efforts to get our goals or to go ahead of Mr. Cool.

Next time when you are complaining you luck just think that what you want, whether to go ahead of Mr. Cool or to drive according to Mr. Cool.

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